Thursday, March 14, 2013

Madison is growing up

Im just sitting here watching Madison play and have decided to write some of the adorable things she does down. for example right now as i am writing this she is grabbing my head and turning it towards her tummy and saying "do it" until i blow raspberrys on her tummy then she falls backwards on the couch and repeat.

She has a bunch of small dora character toys that she plays with and lately she has switched roles with me and holds up a toy and says "whos this?" and when i say that right name she says "ya! your right!"

Whenever she sees Brooklyn looking at her she starts talking to her in baby talk saying "Hi brooky bear! Hi baby girl" Its really cute. then she gives her lots of hugs and kisses.

When i am changing Brooklyns diaper Madison has to help, she will help me wipe her bum and throw the diaper in the garbage. if i forget to include her she gets upset.

If we are upset with Madison and tell her to stop touching something she gets upset and runs off to her room crying only to come out 5 min later calm then comes and gives us a hug and kiss and says "sorry mommy daddy. I love you so much"

She loves checking the mail with me. It has become a daily thing because she loves it so much. she says "checkin the mail" as we walk down the stairs and before i can even open the mailbox she says "Nothin" and turns to walk back up the stairs.

Anytime i mention Ty she says "TY!!! Uncle Michael Michael? Auntie Amie?" and any guys she sees with dark hair that isnt her dad she will call him Michael.

She calls her Grandpas "Poppa" no one told her to do this. I have always called them grandpa but she has given them this nickname herself.

Last night i asked her some questions that she answered correctly.
I asked her:
Are you a girl or a boy?    "Girl"
Are you pretty or ugly?     "Pretty!"
Are you smart?                  "Smart"
Are you monkey or bear   "Monkey!
Are you princess or Prince  "PRINCESS!!!"

When i tell her to clean up her toys she says "No i playing with toys" and then will continue touching everything in the house but her toys.

She is such a smart girl and learns very fast. She has favourite songs that i can hear her singing in her room at night. she knows twinkle twinkle, mary had a little lamb, you are my sunshine, itsy bitsy spider.

She loves presents (what kid doesn't) and everything that is in a box is a present to her and is now hers because it was in a box and she opened it.

She shares everything she has even if its a fruit snack and its her last piece she will offer it to you.

She has become very independent and says "I wanna do it" whenever you try to help her.

Everyday i find random objects in my fridge or items from the fridge in random places around the house.

Last night we asked her what she wants for supper and she said "French fries? ok French fries"

Madison asks for and eats two bowls of oatmeal every morining and when we run out she gets very upset but will then ask for "Toast and butter butter" (toast and peanut butter)

We have finally moved on from Caillou and on to Bubble Guppies and Octonauts which i can handle because they are not annoying.

There are so many more things but right now Madison is sitting behind me on the couch with her arms around my neck choking me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Brooklyns Birth Story

Brooklyn Danielle Smith was born on October 19, 2012 at 5:36 AM. She weighs 6lbs 1oz and is 19” long.

Thursday October 18, 2012 I had my membranes striped at my Dr appointment at 10:30 AM. Right after that I started getting contractions but they were not painful and very far apart. At about 9 that night they started getting stronger and closer together but still not very painful so I just kept timing them until they were 5 min apart. At that point I felt like I should just go get checked out at the hospital. When we got there it was 11:00 PM and my contractions were 3 min apart but still not that painful, they checked me and I was still only 3 cm so I walked the halls for an hour and then they checked again, this time I was at 4 cm. My Dr asked me if I would like her to break my water and get things going and of course I said yes. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep with contractions every 3 min.

At 1:00 my water was broken and the contractions got painful but still manageable so we called my sister Breanne and told her if she was coming to come now. We were then moved to the delivery room and I got in the shower. I sat in the shower for about an hour and a half and the contractions started coming every min and were still getting stronger. I started getting dizzy in the shower because of the heat but I was shaking because I felt so cold so they said I should get out. The contractions were so much worse out of the water so I decided to get some morphine to help me relax a bit. I made it to 7cm by this point but I wasn’t dilating fast enough so they decided to give me oxytocin to make the contractions stronger. I did not like this idea because they hurt really bad already but I was ready to get her out so anything they thought would help I was willing to try. As soon as I was put on oxytocin the contraction pain tripled, I was crying and could hardly breath during one. It only took about a half hour to an hour for me to get to 10cm and ready to push. I pushed for 10 min and she shot out, it surprised the Dr. they put her on my chest right away. The labor was a total of 4 and a half hours.

Everything was fine until the Dr. pulled on the cord and it snapped so they had to push on my stomach really hard to try and get the placenta out. It was only coming out in pieces and I was starting to clot and losing a lot of blood so I was given a bunch of drugs and they kept pushing on my stomach which hurt almost more than labor. At this point I was yelling at them to stop but I knew they really had no choice. After a while they were satisfied that they got most of it out but I had lost way to much blood so they kept me in the delivery room for 3 more hours to monitor me.

We were then moved to our room and got a few hours of sleep before Madison showed up. She loves her sister and is always giving her kisses and hugs. Whenever Brooklyn cries Maddy runs over and tries to help me take care of her.

I love both my girls very much and feel so lucky that they are both so well behaved. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Baby

Since i am so close to my due date and i haven't posted in a while i thought it was time i should. Brent and I are expecting our second baby girl on Halloween! this pregnancy has been 100 times better than my first. I don't get sick every morning and i'm not counting the moments until she is here like i did with madison. I think that maybe it is because i have madison keeping me busy all day, i hardly have a moment to think about other things.

Dont get me wrong, i love how busy i am now that i am a mom. its just hard while i am 8 months pregnant. I can only get things done when Maddy takes her nap or goes to bed, otherwise she follows behind me and makes more of a mess while i am cleaning. she has started having more tantrums when she doesn't get her way and i have to try my hardest not to laugh because her scowling face is just so cute!

I posted a video on Facebook of the new baby wiggling like crazy in my belly. that wasn't a one time thing, she is constantly moving like that and my belly feels so bruised. She also likes to kick my hip bones which really hurts. sometimes its so bad i cant move and Brent has to push her foot away from my hip. Because my belly doesn't get very big when i'm pregnant the baby doesn't have much space and i'm really sick of feeling like i just ate way to much food, and my belly button is popping out so much that it looks like i have another belly growing. As much as i love my babies i really do not like what i have to go through to get them here.

Im glad i am almost done with this pregnancy and will soon get to meet my new little girl. Madison is excited to! she knows there is a baby in my belly and she is always kissing it and saying "baby". She is going to be such a good big sister!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Last night was Madison's first thanksgiving at grandpa and grandma Parkers house. Dinner was delicious as always, even Madison enjoyed the regular and sweet potatoes. I ate so much food and i still wanted more. After supper we all went on a walk to the park and grandpa put Madison in the swing, she LOVED it! she was laughing and kicking her legs, someone took a video of it and needs to send that to me please.
Madison has learned so much more in that past month or so, she doesn't crawl yet but pushes herself backwards around the living room with her hands. I bought her a toothbrush since she now has 5 teeth! but i never have to brush her teeth because she does it all on her own. she gets frustrated when she sees you doing something that she can't because she is in such a rush to grow up. When you hold her hands while she is standing she tries to shake you off so she can go on her own, but she doesn't have the balance yet.
We have also moved into our new place and absolutely love it! It is a million times better than our old place, no mice or mice poop, no ticks in Maddy's crib, no porcupines or badgers outside, oh and when we were packing we found a dead mouse in one of the bedrooms covered in maggots, thats right maggots! gross!!! but at least our water is now reliable all the time, same with the power. We don't have to deal with the crazy big snow banks that cover our car. and the only animals in our new place are fish. oh and we now have internet and t.v! things we couldn't get at our old place.
Right now life is good, i have a healthy baby girl, a wonderful boyfriend that goes to work every day and takes such good care of us, a beautiful home, and everything else that makes my life a million times less stressful. This thanksgiving i have a lot to be thankful for.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Meet Shay!!

she is my stepsister and thinks she is just so cool as you can tell from this picture.

Don't you just think she is so beautiful at her best.

Shay cant do a lot of things due to being short, like getting stuff off the shelf (any shelf) or getting things out of my hands when i hold them above my head, she cant see many things in a crowed or run very fast, and my baby is almost as big as here, But she sure can take a wonderful grad picture.
So ya this is shay, again she is my stepsister, there is no blood relation so thank goodne
ss my family wont get her photogenic quality's.
But still we have fun together!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It has been forever since i have writen a blog, and so much has happend since my last post. Madison has grown so much, she is rolling over, standing if you balance her, cooing all the time, grabs her toys, puts everything in her mouth, eats with a spoon and loves carrots.

In Bumbo Chair

waiting at the hospital for Ty to be born

With cousin Ty

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New years

For new years I went out with Brent, Bryan, and my mom. We ended up going to a local bar that wasnt to busy and just hung out. By 1 oclock i was soooo tired and just wanted to go to bed so of course on the way home we had to stop in at burger king and get chicken sandwiches, sooo good.
Im so excited for this new year, for one thing im going to become a mom!!! Its all i think about now, Brent says all i do is feel my belly and watch it move, but thats because our baby girl is in there and i just cant believe she will be here in two months!! This year is deffidently going to be very busy but a lot of fun. I really want to get a video camera as soon as i can so i cant get lots of video of our babys first year of life. I cant wait to not be pregnant anymore, im so tired of being sick and now im out of pills so its about to get a lot worse :(