Monday, October 10, 2011


Last night was Madison's first thanksgiving at grandpa and grandma Parkers house. Dinner was delicious as always, even Madison enjoyed the regular and sweet potatoes. I ate so much food and i still wanted more. After supper we all went on a walk to the park and grandpa put Madison in the swing, she LOVED it! she was laughing and kicking her legs, someone took a video of it and needs to send that to me please.
Madison has learned so much more in that past month or so, she doesn't crawl yet but pushes herself backwards around the living room with her hands. I bought her a toothbrush since she now has 5 teeth! but i never have to brush her teeth because she does it all on her own. she gets frustrated when she sees you doing something that she can't because she is in such a rush to grow up. When you hold her hands while she is standing she tries to shake you off so she can go on her own, but she doesn't have the balance yet.
We have also moved into our new place and absolutely love it! It is a million times better than our old place, no mice or mice poop, no ticks in Maddy's crib, no porcupines or badgers outside, oh and when we were packing we found a dead mouse in one of the bedrooms covered in maggots, thats right maggots! gross!!! but at least our water is now reliable all the time, same with the power. We don't have to deal with the crazy big snow banks that cover our car. and the only animals in our new place are fish. oh and we now have internet and t.v! things we couldn't get at our old place.
Right now life is good, i have a healthy baby girl, a wonderful boyfriend that goes to work every day and takes such good care of us, a beautiful home, and everything else that makes my life a million times less stressful. This thanksgiving i have a lot to be thankful for.